Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Cinema, Bitch

       Photo :  "I dont want to watch bad film!" (this is the face i make when I think of all you watching terrible cinema) credit : Helen Sharp

Film is the natural progression in story telling. It follows tribal word of mouth, theatre, 

literature and television in the evolution of the story telling medium. The art of relating a story 

is a precious is love; and presently cinema is the most powerful and widespread method 

in the ancient art of story telling. My problem is that mainstream Hollywood and by proxy the 

masses do not respect the Hollywood it is profit driven and for the masses it is a 

convoluted and bastardized form of medication that is in its essence a frivolous means of 

"entertainment". Unfortunately, in an age driven by special effects and fantasy, it is a guileless 

task to entertain the proletariat. Therefore, I despise most theatrical wide releases. Im not 

saying that simple entertainment always makes for foul cinema...but in our time, amusing the 

masses is all too often the easiest aspect of filmmaking when budgets , bottom lines, "star 

power", celebrity gossip , and distribution are given more thought than tone, mood, plot and 

script. To impart wisdom, to positively motivate the meek, that is an intensely more 

difficult and painstaking endeavor. Cherish and respect the ancient art of is the 

most direct line to respecting your own intellect. Support film that compliments the art, that 

struggles to propagate social acumen...otherwise our minds and souls will starve in an 

overabundant harvest of inedible bio-engineered cinematic food for thought.

SO stop being passive! Stop being amused by expensive bells and whistles. READ a film like you 

would analyze a great work of art, read it like you would read a book. Get into the guts of the film, 

then you begin to enjoy and appreciate real cinema instead of force feeding your brain poo. You are 

what you eat, and if your brain is eating feces it will turn soft!

Here is a  clip from one of the most famous scenes of one of the world's most renowned masterpieces

: Frederico Fellini's "La Dolce Vita" - dont just watch it- READ the scene and see what you glean

from it

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