Tuesday, April 28, 2015

I almost died when I was 16 and why I am supporting the Kaxinawa

Our bodies are made of about 70% water. There is no coincidence that the earth is also 70 % water.
We are linked - humans - earth - water - even If we can't see it - we are linked - inextricably.

I didn't think much about water when I was younger - I grew up two blocks from Lake Michigan - one of the largest freshwater lakes in the world and I took it for complete granted.

I would often just waste water - turn on the shower and leave and go do something - leave water running while brushing my teeth - and doing loads of laundry for one item.

When I was 16 I went on Outward Bound - a 6 week survival adventure through the smoky mountains of North Carolina and Tennessee. In the outback - hill billy country - no tents - off the beaten path with two young instructors and 7 other kids.

My parents would take us to national parks and outdoors but I was still a city kid - and I had never done nature like this - full on in it - away and disconnected from everything else.

The experience was life changing. There were times I thought I was going to die - there were times where I could have died.
There were times where I SHOULD have died.
I survived.
I thrived.
I felt a connection to the heart beat of this great planet.

I look back and know what the experience was at it's core :
It was the first time I had a dialogue with Earth - with Water - the Mountains - the Stars - the Animals and the Stones.

People wonder why they feel stress - why there is so much anger - why they feel disconnected - and alone.

It has been my experience - since I was that scared 16 year old - that those things go away when we cultivate a relationship with Earth and Water.

The indigenous - no matter what corner of the universe they come from - have known this for a long time - perhaps we knew it too once - us western folk - and we just forgot
- somewhere along the way, we forgot.

This is our desire - this is not charity. Nobody is saving anybody and this is not a cause - this is an invitation - our desire to help people remember what a connection to this planet looks and feels like via film / writing / media.

What does it look like ? In this case we are asking for money so that we can support our brother Ninawa and his village of Kaxinawa to get an artesian well - so that they may have clean water - basic human right - clean water as a sign of our gratitude for not having forgotten this connection to the planet. 

Any donation / share is met with humble gratitude and love

donate and see the story here  http://www.gofundme.com/kaxinawa    

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