Wednesday, November 28, 2012


About a month ago, I decided to turn off Facebook. Just to see what life was like with out it. As I write this now, I have not died nor been exposed to any serious ailment or dealt with some unspeakable travesty. If you have discussed favorite face-cracking places with me- much like an actual crack head- you know I loved to face-crack whilst in the bathroom (usually sitting on the throne, expelling human waste). Fitting especially, since FB addiction is sort of just: human waste. If you are reading this blog, chances are you suffer from a mild to rampant FB addiction as well, because this is how you got here. During this past month of cyber sobriety, as much as I at first didn’t know what to do while I sat in the bathroom, as much as I missed joking with friends I never see enough, and seeing what people are up to etc etc etc etc…  I realized I didn’t really miss FaceCrook at all.

The University of Arizona was one of the first round of schools to get FB, and with my school email address, I could have joined right away, but I abstained for about a year. Then I remember seeing a friend, Alana Hadid in the ILC (integrated Learning Center) where she posed the argument about its “usefulness in staying in touch with people all over the world post-college”.  (If you are reading this Alana, Yes, I do blame you for my FB addiction).  This staying in touch via FB is now something I have come to term “hannnnnnnging out on the internet”. And I have done that, laughing at jokes, keeping up, stalking photos, sharing good art, music and film etc., and enjoyed that.

I've realized I despise the notion that I am being monetized and data-sized.  It just doesn’t sit well with me. I’ve said this before about FaceCrack, I know, ….but I see this social netfucking site as having more negative than positive; so just bugger, FaceCrack.  I would have to say that I have had this issue with technology for as long as I can remember, (in no way am I arguing that technology is evil) but the internet, as useful as it is, is just kind of lame sometimes.

I found an old college paper that I wrote 12 years ago when moving recently, written years before FB was invented in which I stated that technology strips us of the question “why?” and replaces it with the question “how to?” As in, it strips us of abstract thought and doesn’t allow for full creativity to flow.  It takes away the sense of adventure and curiosity in this sense, because lets be honest….the how to isn’t the juicy part….the why is. This applies to FB too. When you can watch what everyone is doing, and in a sense, you already know the outcome, it depresses the urge to forge real human interaction. Furthermore, FB is just another cyber suburb, with its white washed walls -and though much like the real, world faceTOOK reflects much diversity, also like the real world:  your FB interaction isn’t with too many people outside your social circle.  DO you accept a “FB friendship” from someone you don’t know? Of course not! You, like me and most everyone but the naïve, view that as creepy. But you WOULD talk to a stranger sitting next to you at a bar or your yoga class, and there in lies the cyber friendship flaw. Its limiting your experience, and I don’t want to be friends with your internet image, if you’re my friend, its because I want to be friends with you.

An inherent flaw: artificial intelligence. The lack of emotion is what makes it artificial, because in my opinion emotion is one of the highest forms of intelligence we are capable of. No matter how you slice it, the computer screen yields a blank listless state and lacks any energy, yet holds an abyss of opportunity to truly live a life online.  It has never fulfilled me. There is no human social enrichment better than in the person. I like the visceral. Seeing something and believing it is the easiest form of trickery, and an image, or a video clip online is open to a billion interpretations. I love people. I love being with people I have known since I was born, to meeting new people everyday.  And that is why during my time with a deactivated FB account I was astounded when friends of mine whom I appreciate actually texted me and thought that I blocked them. For no reason. Seriously. If I didn’t like you I don’t really care what my online image can do to your online image. I’d probably just let you know I think you operate at a low frequency. In person.  Hateful words and their weak intentions behind them can be so simply transcribed online. I don’t hate anybody- but I do get angry with people- and if I am angry, be sure I will not use the internet to let you know it.

Lastly, you will live a longer life on the Internet than you will on this planet. No matter how you think you may know someone because of what you interpret their FB to be, you don’t really know them at all, unless you actually talk to them, and always best in person. An internet image might last forever, but real human interaction, visceral friendship is timeless.

So to satiate my need to put forth ideas, jokes, and inspired art, film and music selections on the internet, I decided to start a blog, and No Mark Zuckerberg, even if my intellectual property is worth 1 sheet of triple ply toilet paper (that would be the equivalent of 3.1 shares of FB stock) you will not own it. (Unless you are willing to give me $10 million….then we can talk) If you want to keep up with my adventures, read whatever random thing I am thinking about it, funny (perhaps true, perhaps not) random occurrences… well you know where to find me. If you are reading this, you are already here. So if I don’t like the picture of your new ugly baby (kidding, or am I?), don’t respond to something on my wall or a message, its only because you are using the wrong channel of communication to reach me. My email is and you can always email me for my phone number and you can allows follow me on instagram : rudyranda

or you can visit my blog


Lastly, despite all this, I am not trying to start an anti-FB revolution here, and  I am not going to actually turn off my account right away,  mainly so that I can let people know where all the cool kids are hannnnggging out on the internet (NO! not FB! - its ) ! I am not judging those who use it, just relating my human experience. Never the less you probably wont find me hanggggggging out on the internet. You’d have a better chance catching me at the beach with sand in me toes, at the park with my back to some great old tree or find me in some musty dank bar listening to good music.


  1. Copied from your facebook page So I Can Get a Response:

    That was you? I love blog from back in Aug that Chris posted about San Francisco! Come visit me up here and get some more inspiration for your blog! XO
    My innate desire to facestalk my most beloved and interesting friends leads me to believe that I I need a way to automatically receive your blog. That way my lazy facecracky ass can get my fix without having to actually work for it... Collect emails? 'Like it' on "thebook"? Thoughts?

    1. Very Wise sure you arent the only one who is lazy in this regard (i am too)....Ill investigate and get back to you! And next time i am in SF I will hit you up!

  2. I just added this feed to my RSS reader, and I hope to see frequent updates :)

    Without FB, you might not know which "Shelly" is writing this. I'm not going to leave my last name on the open internet. Geeeeeez. :)

  3. hahaha....thanks shelly....and the only shelly I know is the one since 1st grade, so no need for last names on the open internet. hahaha.. Hope all is well! Blessings!

  4. i want to turn my FB off but im in too deep!!!! AHHHHH! Loving your blog right now....killing time in class. :)

  5. ahahahaha...thanks smagoogle....keep will be able to kill time in class at least once a week ! Hopefully we see ya over the holidays...cheers!
