Tuesday, April 8, 2014

"The Walmart Waddle and Vampires at the Slaughterhouse"

Now don’t get it twisted and
try to jam me up here – there is no hate in this. I don’t often get angry but
on that day Walmart made me angry. I had been all over the world and seen all
types of people from all types of backgrounds and I’d seen pain but I hadn’t
seen pain like the people of Walmart carried and it was in my own proud
country. I don’t like feeling helpless, but I did that day because I knew right
away there was nothing I could do to change this. I am just one person. It made
me angry for about 10 minutes – the ten minutes that you just heard, but that’s
it – done- released.  Walmart caused me
ten minutes of anger but it is now long gone –nothing but love and sunshine in
me baby.

I am just one person and all
I can do when it comes to Walmart is choose to not go there. Which wasn’t a big
deal because I never go there anyway but GOD DAMN – I know a lot of people feel
like they NEED to go to Walmart and what about them? Its not like I have a
bullhorn to the humanity that says – HEY PEOPLE LISTEN UP IM NOT THE SMARTEST

And I don’t own Walmart, nor
am I a part of their corporate structure. 
I am just a simple story teller. I have nothing to do with how Walmart
works – I don’t even shop there - and that’s where the love comes in. I look at
the Walton family- with all those stores and all that money and all those
customers and all those employees and I think wow. What a reality to be in – it
is not my reality, no- I have a much different life –thank GOD- but I put
myself in their shoes and I think – WOW. What an opportunity. They could
literally change the course of the world to a new brighter path with all those
resources but they sit on it. Accumulating nothing to add to nothing - it
doesn’t even seem FUN to me but its not me still WOW – what an opportunity-
magnanimous –and it seems to be lost on all of them.  so I send my love to the Walton’s. Unless I am
out of toilet paper while out in the woods the Walton’s will probably ever get
my money, but I still send them my love and hope that you sort out all those
kinks in your affairs – thankfully my life is simpler and I don’t run a multi
billion dollar business that is rotting our country from the inside out a
million different ways – it is not my mess, but I see the opportunity. I see
the resources.  I see the potential. I
see what you COULD DO. SO I send you my love and I am sorry I called you guys
inbred – I didn’t really mean it but your stores touched on a wound of mine – I
hurt when I see other people hurt – and my hurt  manifested as derision and mockery and anger
when I saw the pain in so many people at your store- so many of them literally
wearing this pain internally- like fat gelatinous winter coats in the summer
time in the form of toxins and fat from so many of your products. 

It would upset anyone who was
paying attention- but it was a special brand of shock for me because even in
the poverty stricken jungles of Colombia to the destitute Hong Kong Chinese and
all these places I had been where people had much LESS money than those at
Walmart but they all seemed so much happier out there than the people at
Walmart and it shocked me – IN MY OWN BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY TOO. I didn’t know it
was like that – I never went to Walmart anyway – but it is NOT GOOD over there
and something STINKS- for reAL – and I am sorry I called you inbred Arkansas
yokels but you still cant run a business so I pray for you and others in your

Where was I?
Oh yeah don’t think you got
me in a bind over here. There is no activist or revolution in this either. I am
just one man and sitting outside Walmart with a sign yelling often angry things
does not seem ideal to me . I am just one man. I am not going to push up
against Walmart –they have more money than I do-and I don’t care to. Back and
forth the activists and Walmart push – it seems like an endless and pointless
cycle. I just accept it as what it is and pray. I am no activist and I am no
revolutionary – and this is no PROPAGANDA, SEEN?– I cant change people. People
make their own decisions. I make mine and pray for the rest. 

 I pray for all the people who have Walmart in
their life and send you love and that’s it – I wont ever see Walmart again if I
don’t have to so goodbye and to think – all those resources and what an
opportunity – what a reality – I am done thinking about it because it is not


  1. Its a store. Get over it man. You think any Krogers across America is any different? Is any $.99 store different? This guy is just being sensational for the sake of it. The funny thing is, his appearance is a typical of Walmart. And where, Dear Sir do you normally shop? That is so up scale and unique? Guy needs to get a life. And a shave. And your movie was boring and predictable. Go back to Berkeley!
