Monday, July 15, 2013

What Goes Around, Comes Around : The Tragedy and Infinite Potential of the Trayvon Martin Case

                                "Ego is a Power Trip"        

Watching the Trayvon Martin / George Zimmerman case as a casual observer:
I am Neutral.
Not judging.
Not engaging in racism.
Not engaging in projection like I actually knew who these two were and what exactly happened.
Knowing that whyEVER this happened

(I cant change it)

My only desire as a neutral observer was that love and good and beauty and EVOLUTION was created through this tragedy. MOVEMENT > (forward). That through this trial of hurt movement towards something better would occur. That justice would be clean and served in a manner I thought justice meant.

The good Dr. Martin Luther King helped me with this one :

“Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice, and justice at its best is power correcting everything that stands against love”.

If we cannot change the past and bring that weary youthful soul back to Earth then what can we do? We cannot change a verdict.
It is sad.
It is a heart-break.
I feel the family and their loss.

And, it is done.

The decision by the jury is now done.

I too feel like there is an injustice today as there are often in America and in the world everyday.

This decision holds a lot of sadness.

It holds heartache.
You feel angry.
You feel violated.

It is the past now.

In no shape or form can I say that this outcome involved any form of justice that Dr King talked about.

Justice is not necessarily George Zimmerman going to jail. If it is power correcting everything that stands against love then we do not divide but unite, and using this power and love correct the system by shifting it to love and better laws and society, that more accurately reflect what it is we want.

Do we really want dead African-American teenagers?
Do we really want a Mexican that looks like a white guy with a German last name patrolling neighborhoods with a loaded weapon as unofficial watchman because he failed in his attempt to feed his power trip with a real police job?
Would you want that dude in your neighborhood with a gun? 

Ah, Helllll no and neither would I. 

Wherever I live, the less people with guns the better. 

Let's change that first.

George Zimmerman will suffer I know. I don’t know if it is in this life or the next, but a child’s life is on his hands. No murderer’s hands go washed of this forever, despite what a jury says. Unfortunately, it was good law, as in :

Pay attention to your laws people.
Pay attention to your leaders.
If there is no leader that suits your needs then become a leader.

If something moves you then be the person to move it, through learning, action, commitment, impeccable positivity and PEACE. 

As a casual observer, I checked in on this occasionally and watched this play out, sides dividing themselves and then drawing lines in the sand and shouting chants to each other. (

(to the hate mongers – if you really need to get a little extra excitement somewhere a model train hobby is an excellent idea – you will feel so much better- seriously : ) - or tennis, I enjoy tennis)

I’ve literally watched this movie before, there’s plenty of them on.

If you haven’t seen them they are ALWAYS on CNN, MSNBC, FOX, the INTERNET and all over the place.

I’m SOOO BORRRRED with these movies though. Every story is pretty much the same and there is ALWAYS the same ending:

Dividing and Fussing and Fighting with defiance on one side and outrage on the other and
-making no sense at all-
 until it dies down and ends and the next movie rolls;
instead of BEING the change they wish to see.

Violence?  Riots in the streets? Sometimes that happens too-
We have all watched that movie before.
It’s the one where the ending leads to more control, more shitty laws, more bullshit. You’ve seen it too. (you are at least aware of it)

I stopped watching all these movies years ago, but I still keep up with the synopsis's. I paid attention to this one because I saw the potential for change in the tragedy. 

I know you are tired. I know you are weary. I know you have watched this movie with me and seen the same ending.
Do you understand that we ALL want the same thing : we don’t want ANYBODY to experience violent death from a bullet in America.

Please. I am begging you, with all my heart, don’t buy into this angry racism crap, we are NOT as DIFFERENT as we THINK.  Lets UNITE and create change, where necessary.

Be the change you desire through positive endeavors. Understand what loving your brother means.

Arm yourself with KNOWLEDGE about something you are passionate about.

Identify your DESIRES and what it is you want to change.

CREATE. Be that change through positive clear and collective means. Support your brothers and sisters and ask for support when you need it.

How difficult is that?

I reread my words and I hear the slew of stories and opposition countering it. I hear all the people who take this case personally equally on both sides. I hear the outrage and the defiance, the defiance and the outrage.

It was ALL of our son who died there that night. If you cannot accept that, then we have a breaking point in communication.

 Trayvon is all our brother.

 George Zimmerman is all our brother.

Love begets Love. Violence just begets violence. War begets war.

I pray with all of my being for people to understand this.

 If you make it a race thing it will be but that whole race thing feels like wool.

 It’s wool being pulled over your eyes.

TO me that wool sounds like


The media perpetuates it. Fuck CNN. 

What I invite you to hear is


You hear something from a friend or see a snippet on TV and you react and pass judgment, but then it stays. If you don’t really care, you just say: they are different them me. It isn’t my problem. But it is.

The media wants to remind us all why we are different. Male/Female/black/white/Rich/poor etc etc etc etc etc. Please do not fall for that. Drama drives internet traffic and  creates sound bites and video clips and spur talking heads to become Mr. Chatterbox until you think their jaw will become

My prayer is that we come together.

My prayer is for positivity.

My prayer is for a healing through impeccable positivity.

My prayer is for Martin Luther King’s beautiful definition of justice to prevail.

DO I have all the answers?

Of course not. 

But I know what won't work.

What I would offer as advice is

If you get in line with your desires, if you think about what IT is that you want in life, things that you want to see more of-things you want to see grow or change,
then you BE those things.

If you think there is a need, then there probably is. If you think there is a role, then take it
-wherever it is-
                            it is yours.

IF you identify the need and then sit on the couch and watch tv, drink, play on the internet, react, gossip, fuck, sport; NOTHING CHANGES FOR YOU.

If this gets you mad and you march in the streets and chant and let off steam and then that is it : NOTHING CHANGES.

If you are passive/don't care because you are removed from it/above it, understand that you are not removed from it. You are in it with the rest of us.
Identify the need and then move forward and create in your role of filling the need.
Change then ensues.

It is that hard and that simple.

And it is your choice.

You can watch the same damn movie, with the same damn ending, or you and only you can change it.

What goes around, comes around.

It is true in every sense of the phrase. If you react with violence, you send violence around to smack you right back upside your head-
Usually harder than you hit first too.

Send love and understanding around this time. Send love and understanding around one time, PLEASE.

Send it around, and then watch it come around to a better place.

I’m dying to see a new film.


Enjoy this deep root Bob Marley and the Wailers OG track below "What Goes Around Comes Around"

*George Zimmerman will be judged by a higher court.  (quite literally it isn’t over in the American justice system). Either way the indelible mark of Trayvon’s soul will haunt George for the rest of his life. 

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