Friday, December 28, 2012

Dreams from Taipei


                     Photo : "Typhoon Sunset" taken from rooftop in Taipei, Rudy Randa

What we experience in dreams -- assuming that we experience it often -- belongs in the end just as much to the over-all economy of our soul as anything experienced "actually": we are richer or poorer on account of it.
-        Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil

Sunshine was fast asleep.
                       Curled up on a lambskin rug with a light satin sheet barely covering her.                       
 She exuded peace, innocence, vulnerability, light and beauty.

Even though sunshine slept, and slept deeply, sunshine still shone bright bright bright- a luminous mass in the darkest of nights.

I go to sleep in the confines of the rays.

They are warm, and feel good.

I am exhausted.

I close my eyes and exhale a great breath of relief, comfort and satisfaction.

I hear them coming before I see them.

I know what they are.

                                                                      God Damn it.

                                                     I will not get any sleep tonight.

             I leap up and grab my sword.
                                                            It weighs a ton.
                                                                                      I see them.

Demons of the night.                            The dark side.                                    The vultures. 

Evil multiplied by Evil infinity personified in the form of winged beasts, with the heads of horses, arms of men, legs of steel. And black nothingness eyes.

They have come to prey on sunshine. The dark, attacking light at its most vulnerable point, attempting to push it out, the darkness attempts to reign the dreamscape land.

Not on my watch.

They abound and buzz around circling. Chanting. They are hungry.

I get into my stance.

                                                    I have no fear.

I have slain thousands like this before.

My blade slices through the first demons head like soft butter. I begin jumping around, twirling, martial arts-ing in a manner that would make Neo from The Matrix Films dizzy.

                                                               Neo was a phony.

Demons do not leave corpses. Once eviscerated, they scream a tortuous scream and fall to dust, damned back to eternal hell.

I know the body count is rising.
                                                     How many more ?

Sunshine sleeps. 
                       Still she sleeps, unawares of the peril so close.
                                            She sleeps. 
                                                               But she shines. 

It gives me energy to fight more. Fight Longer. Fight until there is nothing left.

I wake up in a seizure of deep breaths and am sweating profusely. I look over and sunshine still sleeps.   

                I sit upright.

The intensity and lucidity of the dream had me rattled. 

Am I dreaming? 
Am I awake?
What is going on?

I glance around the room and it is safe. I can go back to sleep. 
                                                                                                    Everything is OK.

I close my eyes and hear a familiar buzzing.

I sigh.

I am St Michael the Arch Angel, and I will not be getting any sleep tonight.

That one stuck with me for its sheer intensity. Are dreams real? Are they an alternate reality? Are our dreams real life and our waking moments our dream life? Does how we dream affect the rest of our waking moments, or does how our waking moments unfold affect how we dream? Which is more real?  It is a very open question, one that I do not begin to untangle in this blog post. But I will say this- Too often I have fallen asleep to music, tv, films, or cloudy headed, which I believe doesn’t always allow for the most lucid dreaming, and i have begun to eschew going to bed with such distractions, so that I can dream 'free range' and more lucidly.  This dream I recounted above is noted for its absolute vivid HD clarity, and for the utter confusion it caused me in deciphering which was the waking reality. I love dreaming (most of the time- I have experienced sleep paralysis and nightmares before, and those are not all together fun) and will continue to attempt to recount and remember dreams I have had. Enjoy all! Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanza, Happy Hanukah and Happy New Year!

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